For every lesson given
Two trees are planted.
One for you. One for our family
Sticks to Branches Program
2023 Tree planting results
2023 was a record year for our "Sticks to branches" program and we donated enough funds to pay for well over 1600 trees to be planted!! Year by year we are making a real difference to help fight the ravages of climate change. We partner with the wonderful folks at replant-environmental.ca and please take a look at the terrific work they do across Canada to help create a greener more sustainable country for us all.
A huge "Thank You" to all my students!!!

2022 Tree planting results
2022 was the first year of our "Sticks to Branches" program, a simple direct way to help fight Climate Change and its already been great success! We made enough donations to the wonderful folks at Replant.ca to plant 1004 trees!!
A huge "Thank You" to all my students for helping make a real difference in the fight against Climate Change!
1004 Trees planted
Right here in Canada on plantations in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick by Replant.ca
180 tonnes of Carbon capture
Use this space to tell people more about what you do or a featured service.
equal to driving 16 X round the equator
Enough carbon capture to drive a family sized car over 660,000 KM!
"But Edward, how does it all work?" you ask....
Well, let me tell you: We partner with the wonderful highly professional Canada reforestation company called Replant.ca, who plant the trees on sites they are the stewards of in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Every three months I tally up how many drum lessons were given, and then double it (one tree for you, one for our family) and we send a donation to cover the costs of planting them. Simple! but wonderfully effective at fighting climate change right here on Canadian soil.

The math behind it all.
Calculating the exact impact of tree planting is not at all an exact science!, and you can get all sorts of weird metrics depending on who you talk to, so to be on the safe side I’ve chosen to use formulas / data from only very conservative sources, mainly Tree Canada and Carbon Fund. and Replant.ca planting info.

Our progress figures are based on planting approx. 1,000 saplings per acre.
Each tree to produce approx. 180 kg of Carbon Capture over its lifespan.

And if you would like to do a little more for the environment please consider using the ECOSIA search engine.
They generate funds to plant trees from your searches. It's a wonderful innovation that has lead to over 165 MILLION trees being planted so far!!
I've used it for a few years now and its just great!