To help make your drumming learning experience richer, more fun and more memorable too, I’ve just added a 22 track recording system with full drum miking system to our lil’ ol’ drum studio.

So now we can record your playing (along to music or solo) and then together we can listen back to the recording to help you hear for yourself exactly how your playing sounds, and what we can do to enhance it! It’s already proving to be a hit with learners who are loving the experience. It's definitely helping them focus on what's important and turbocharging their learning.
The recording facilities go alongside our 2 fully spec. high quality kits (acoustic and electronic) to help provide learners with an uncompromising level of drum tuition and support.
Not just this, but learners will also develop an understanding of:
The “studio - side” of the music industry.
The basics of sound recording, miking, sound mixing, sound engineering.
Using a DAW to produce their own recordings ready to release onto popular platforms like Spotify, Bandlab etc.
How their playing style impacts the overall recording.
And much more besides!
Further down the road, we will be offering a simple band recording service, so you and your bandmates could come and cut some tracks, or work out some musical ideas. Okay we’re not “Abbey Road” and won’t have all the gadgets and gizmos of a full scale big city studio, but we can definitely provide a comfortable, relaxed facility to create some excellent music. (Oh and if you need a drummer to help you realize your own musical vision, I know a man…!)
If you want to learn more just drop me a line, I’d be happy to walk you through the new facilities, and discuss how it can help your music making.
