Be part of a different type of Recital...
(Well its more of a "concert" to be honest!)
"John, Paul, George & 30 Ringos!"
A truly unique "Must See" musical event!

Put your drumming talents on show playing alongside a real live band at our very first Summer Recital right here in Cochrane! This won't be your typical recital, it will be something really quite special, we promise!
​Gain priceless experience and confidence performing live
Play alongside (and learn from) real professional musicians and sound engineers
Meet other drummers / share ideas / learn from each other
Get full musical preparation and support so you are seriously "ready to rock!"
Make all the "rookie" mistakes you want and still be wildly supported and encouraged!
Enjoy a range of exciting attractions and entertainment, quizzes and more!
Have a BLAST doing something you love!
(Ok, it might be a little nerve-wracking too but we'll deal with that, trust me!)
Info about this summer's recital.
Be "Ringo" for the day!
We are SO pleased to have "All you need is love" The Beatles Tribute Band as our "house band" for this very special first recital!
They have a terrific reputation for recreating that authentic "Beatles sound" and they put on a great show too!
"John", "Paul" & "George" plus very special guest keyboard player "Billy Preston" will be live onstage in full Beatles costume playing hit after hit as our students take turns behind the kit standing in for that legendary Liverpudlian tub thumper Ringo!
(Take a look below at some pics I took of them in action recently)

The practical stuff....
We're working hard behind the scenes to make our very first Drum Recital a really exciting, entertaining and fun event for all involved! More details will be posted nearer the time but for now, just know it won't be no ordinary recital I promise!!!
When: 2pm on the 22nd June 2024. Where: Cochrane Alliance Church
What else to expect on the day....
Beatles themed quiz with cool prizes!
Win a pair of "Maui Jim" sunglasses in the "Best 60s outfit" competition (judged by the band)
Have your picture taken with the band
Beatles themed cakes at the intermission!
Meet other music tutors for different instruments (I can't guarantee how "Beatles themed" they will be though)
A local kid's theatre group performance!
Event Photographer
And a few more groovy things besides...!
Would you like to take part?
If you would like to perform at the Recital and you are NOT currently one of my students, just drop me a line and lets talk.

"Bang your own drum" for once!
We have some excellent and innovative recital sponsorship opportunities available for family friendly, high quality businesses wanting to target the local Cochrane market.
Recital Sponsorship Opportunities