Students! Please don't forget to ask me about your free Christmas Gift at your last lesson in 2022. No, its not sadly a brand new Gretsch drum kit BUT hopefully you enjoy using it (Any complaints please address them to Santa Claus, The North Pole)
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Ed's Blog Posts....
We are now 3 months into our new “Sticks to Branches” program (where for each drum lesson I give we plant 2 trees via, one from you and one from my family!) and the great news is we’ve already paid for 254 trees to be planted!
That captures enough Carbon to drive the round trip of 12,200km from Cochrane, Alberta to St Johns, Newfoundland and back THIRTEEN TIMES OVER!!!!*
Thank you SO much for helping to fight Climate Change, it's truly heartwarming to see we can make a real difference together! I’ll keep you updated on progress across the year.
(* If you too are a bit of a nerd, go check out the math at they use very conservative estimates for carbon capture, so in reality our impact will probably be higher over time)
Updated: Nov 2, 2021
That's right! All you have to do is come along to our Cochrane studio for a free trial drum lesson, and as a special thank you for checking us out you get a brand new free music stand (OR a pair of sticks, the choice is yours!)
To book your trial lesson (it usually lasts around 30 mins) visit the Online Booking page, and we’ll get back to you promptly. There’s no catch, and there’s no commitment, we promise!
(And while you’re here perhaps read some of the 5 star reviews we’ve received from other highly satisfied clients!)
You can also contact us via our page at
(Offer ends 30th November 2021)
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