THANK YOU so much for playing your part in helping plant OVER 1,000 TREES in 2022, our first year of the campaign! That's enough to offset driving OVER 16 TIMES around the world in a family sized car!!! I know! I was pretty amazed too! What a tree-mendous start!
You can see full details on the newly created “Sticks to Branches” page of the website, but in short 2 trees are planted for each lesson given (one on your behalf, one for my family) in partnership with the wonderful folks at Replant.ca the reforestation experts based on the East Coast of Canada.
Fingers crossed we can build on this success this year and continue to play our part in fighting Climate Change together.
If you would like to know more please don't hesitate to drop me a line via the contact page. I'll be happy to chat.
Happy New Year!!!